How to Drive Manual Car? An Absolute Guide.

With the rapid development in the auto industry, automatic vehicles are taking the place of manual vehicles. But still, many cars in the market have manual transcription, and many people prefer to drive them.

Driving a manual car can be problematic in the early stage, but once you understand the mechanism and practice it, you will quickly drive these cars. If you are a beginner-level driver, learn to drive from a manual car.

Manual cars are also known as 5-speed cars. In how to drive a manual car, you need to understand the usage of clutch and when to change the gears, and after learning it, you will become an excellent driver of a manual car. 

There is a general perception that manual cars are challenging to drive. You just have to remember a few steps while driving these cars and then you can quickly drive manual cars. Here is the detail of how you drive a manual car. With the help of this, you can overcome the fear of driving it. But before getting into it, let’s look at the benefits of manual cars.

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Advantages of Manual Car:

how to drive manual car

1. Low-priced:

Manual cars are usually low-priced cars because these cars have less complicated engines and are not very high-tech parts. So if you are looking for a new and good car at a low price. Manual cars are the best option for you. They will save you money.

2. Better fuel average:

Manual cars always give you outstanding mileage. Their engines are simple and have less fuel consumption, and also you need to decide on your own, at which gear you need to drive your car. The less power you send your car’s engine, the less fuel it will consume.

3. Dead push battery start:

One of the special qualities of manual cars is that you can start it on a dead battery. You don’t need a donor car or need to take it to the mechanic. You simply need to push the clutch down and take someone’s help to push the car from behind. Another vehicle can also pull you. Once you get an acceptable speed, you can release the clutch and start the car.

4. Low maintenance costs: 

Manual cars are consist of less complicated parts, especially its engine. So if you need to change any part, it is not only easily available and at a very affordable price. These parts are also available in any mechanic’s shop. You don’t need to search for the parts and the mechanic to change like in automatic cars.

5. Better power:

Manual car engines are simpler yet powerful. Due to this, good drivers always prefer to drive a manual car. 

It’s also good on bumpy, long, and rough roads. Its powerful engine supports you enough that you can easily travel on every type of road. 

6. Better engine control:

Experienced drivers love to drive a manual car because its control is always in their hands. They can control a car’s engine power and torque efficiently by changing it at any speed with the help of any transmission gear. 

Which can save the maintenance of the engine by handling it efficiently. So it can save a lot of maintenance and repair costs, which you can’t do on an automatic transmission.

7. Less distractions: 

Today, our life is full of distractions. One of them is our smartphones. Which we always keep in our hands. So while driving, it is easy to distract, which can cause significant misshapes.

It is always dangerous to be busy on a phone while driving. You can easily be distracted in automatic cars because most of your work is done by the car. But in the manual transmission, you need your entire focus on your clutch and gear, so there is always less chance of distraction.

8. Greater joy: 

Driving is always fun. When you are on the roads and know how to handle your car, you enjoy your traveling. 

Some people find a manual car more joyful because it won’t run in a similar pattern, so it won’t bore you, and you make yourself busy with the variation of speed by controlling it.

Important Tips For Driving A Manual Car: 

how to drive manual car

A manual car means you need to use your both feet. Left on the clutch and right on brake or race paddle. When you need to change the gear, put your left foot on the clutch and shift the gear with your left hand.

There is no need to use the left foot in an automatic car as these cars don’t have a clutch. You only need to drive your car on the right foot. You also don’t need to change gears because the car automatically adjusts the gear as per speed.

While driving a manual car, you need to follow a few things. Below is the detail.

1. Drive carefully:

Never drive your car under stress or pressure. Because you will put yourself and others in danger.

Instead of an automatic car, you need more attention in driving a manual car. But you will enjoy it if you drive it with complete peace of mind and you can learn many new things. That’s why make yourself a calm drive with practice.

So always drive carefully and enjoy your ride.

2. Never leave your car in gear:

The drivers in a manual car make the most usual mistake. Leaving the gear lever in gear is very dangerous. Because when you will start the car, it will move according to the gear, and it can hit anything which causes any level of a mishap.

Most of the time, drives leave the gear stick in gear while standing at the signal so they can move fast when the signal turns green, which is also not a good practice.

So whenever you stop a car, either for a few seconds or for a while, you need to put it in neutral gear and apply the handbrake. So it can’t move ahead or backward.

3. Never start a car in high-speed gear:

Always remember to start a manual car from the lowest gear. Starting a car from the highest gear can’t be good for you and others.

Normally, this mistake happens to the new drivers due to the lack of understanding of tools and not having practice.

Every gear has a certain speed which you can use according to the situation. Like if you need speed 20 to 40, you need to apply 1 and 2 gear; for 60, you need to use gear 3, and for more than that 4 and 5 gear, respectively.

So make sure that when you need to take your car out of the parking lane, apply lower gear. It will help you handle the car quickly.

4. Never rest a foot on clutch:

Another common mistake by the drivers is resting foot on the clutch pedal, which can cause the breakdown and cost you a repairing cost. 

A manual car clutch is an important part connected to the engine, and when you press it, it applies pressure on engine plates and when you keep putting your foot on creates friction.

So if you want that your clutch and engine work smoothly, never make the mistake of resting your foot on the clutch and avoid extra expense.

5. Drive carefully in hill areas:

Never hold the clutch when you are at the hill area. Apply the hand brake so that car won’t move forward and don’t push the accelerator a lot, which can cause power loss from the engine. While traveling, use the appropriate gear as per the speed you require.

Always use the function of your manual car carefully; otherwise, you can damage the auto parts or cause a severe problem.

6. Regularly change manual car’s oil:

Always keep track of the service and maintenance of your car and do it on a regular basis. It will make your car perform better and increase its life. 

Manual cars are usually cheap maintenance due to the more affordable spare parts. But if you ignore the regular maintenance, it can cost you a heavy bill.

Also, keep track of changing your car’s engine oil. That needs to be changed on time; by doing this, your car performance and fuel efficiency increase. Engine oil change limit is 40,000KM.

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How to Drive A Manual Car:

how to drive manual car

Driving a manual car makes you familiar with the pattern on which the car runs. You need to become used to a clutch and gear lever and practicing of starting, stopping, and changing the gear at different speeds.

How to drive a manual car below is the complete detail.

  • Get in the car and make yourself familiar with the tools. If you are a beginner, then roll down the window so that you can listen to the surrounding voices and also the voice of the engine.
  • At the bottom of your seat, where your feet are lying. There are three paddles. On the left side is the clutch, the brake is in the middle, and on the right accelerator paddle. Which is commonly known as C-B-A form left to right. 

This layout goes for both right-hand and left-hand drive vehicles.

  • The role of the clutch is to disengage the engine from the wheels and enable you to switch the gears. Before changing the gear, you need to push down the clutch.
  • Adjust your seat so you can comfortably use all paddles. Adjust your front and side mirrors to keep an eye on the surrounding atmosphere. Fasten your seatbelt.
  • Enter the key in the ignition and start the vehicle. The left foot should press the clutch. Check the surroundings and release the brake. Change the gear from neutral to first and press the right foot on the accelerator. Slowly release the clutch. Your car starts to move forward.

Never change the gear before pressing the clutch; otherwise, it won’t change.

  • All gears have distinct patterns, so you need to practice them while going on the main road.
  • If you release the clutch soon, your car’s engine will stop. So, while releasing the clutch, hold the clutch or press it a little down if you feel that your car engine will stop.
  • If your car engine stops, press the clutch, put back the car in neutral, and start the engine again. Never start the engine before fully pressing the clutch; otherwise, it will damage the clutch plates.
  • Once your car reaches the speed of 20, press the clutch and change the gear to second, and push the accelerator so your car’s speed can increase.

Change the gears according to the speed you require.

  • Changing gears while driving a car can be difficult at the start. But with the practice, you will be the expert at it.
  • When your car is at a smooth speed, never put your foot on the clutch. It will ruin it. 
  • When you need to slow down your car, follow the same pattern by pressing the clutch and releasing the accelerator slowly. You can come to the lower gear one by one until you reach the first gear. 
  • If you need to stop the car completely. Release the accelerator, put the gear in neutral, press the handbrake. Free the clutch and turn off the engine.
  • Always practice with the experienced driver and start on the empty and familiar roads. Do practice a lot to remember all the process and perform it rapidly.
  • Always change the reverse gear after completely stopping the car.
how to drive manual car

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Driving a manual car can be difficult or scary for some beginners, but if you give full attention to the clutch and changing gears. You can get confident about it.

How to drive a manual car, you must follow the above tips mentioned above methods and keep practicing them on vacant roads first.

Never start driving on main roads; otherwise, you can cause an accident and lose confidence.  

The incorrect use of clutch and pedal can cause you a costly expense because it is connected with the engine. Never use improper gear for speed because it will affect the performance of your car. It also ruined your gearbox, and you need to change it with a new one which is a costly expense.


Q1: Is driving can be scary for beginners? 

First-time driving can be scary for some people, but you can overcome your fear with time and practice. At the start, go for a drive during non-peak times, so you don’t worry about the traffic and plan a quick route in areas you know very well; it would make you more comfortable.

Q2: What is the powerful gear in a car?

The gears define the amount of power available from the engine. 1st gear provides the most pulling power but the minimal capability for speed, and the fifth gear, which provides the lowest pulling power, enables the highest range of speed.

Q3: While accelerating, can you shift gears?

Depending on the situation, you either apply a little pressure on the accelerator pedal or brake paddle when you need to change down gears. It would help if you usually slowed down before changing down e desired gear.

Q4: At what gear you should park a manual car?

A manual car doesn’t have a gear “park” like an automatic car. So, when you need to park your car, put it in neutral gear, press the hand brake, and turn off the engine.

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