Top 45 Safe Driving Tips—Which Can Protect Your Life.

Everyone thinks he is an excellent driver and mistakes happen by the others. No one ever accepts being a horrible driver. 

If you are a skilled driver, you also have to pay attention to traffic rules and other safety precautions. So you can secure yourself and everyone on the road.

The improvement in technology in the auto sector is also helping to reduce the number of accidents on the road. However, many mishaps still happen because of human errors.

So the better way to lower the ratio of accidents is to show the best behavior and driving practice on the road. Whether you are a learner or a trained driver, always follow the safe driving rules.

People used to multitask while driving, which is not a good practice. Being careful on the road is essential for the safety of everyone.

We have gathered a list of safe driving tips. So that you can remember them while driving next time and take care of yourself and others as well. 

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Top 45 safe driving tips:

safe driving tips

1. Inspect your car:

Before sitting in the car and starting it first, inspect your car like water in the radiator, petrol, engine oil, tire pressure, headlights, and indicators are working. Check under the car if there is any leakage.

If you find any issue, then rectify it and go to the drive because ignoring any problem can be dangerous for the safety on the road.

2. The windshield should be cleaned:

safe driving tips

Most of the time, the windshield of our car gets dirty due to dust, bird droppings, and dead bugs. It needs to be cleaned before driving the car as it will affect the visibility on the road.

You can clean the windshield with a good glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth or with the help of a newspaper.

3. Side mirrors should be cleaned:

Side mirrors of cars can often get dirty, like a windshield, and need to be cleaned immediately. Which also affects visibility.

Make them clean with glass cleaner and microfiber cloth.

4. Adjust your seat and mirror:

Adjust your seat according to your comfort. Your hands can easily reach the steering wheel, legs to the paddles, and can easily keep an eye on the road ahead.

The side and front mirror can also be adjusted to check the back and sides of the car.

5. Fasten your seat belt:

safe driving tips

Another safe driving tip is fastening your belt before driving a car. Most drivers won’t take it seriously, which is not a good habit.

By wearing a seat belt, you can save yourself from getting injured. You can be flung out from the windshield in severe cases if you don’t wear the seatbelt.

6. Know where you are going:

safe driving tips

Before hitting the road, you need a route plan because checking it while driving on the road can distract you, and you can lose focus and confidence in driving, which is against the safety rules.

7. Be alert:

safe driving tips

Always be alert when you are holding a steering wheel. You need to keep an eye ahead on the road, sides, and at the back. So you can handle the situation in case of emergency.

8. Make a habit of defensive driving:

You always need to do the defensive driving. Your full attention and sharp eyes should be on-road so you can easily detect the potential risk and can resolve it immediately.

Defensive driving includes many things like not speeding and maintaining a safe distance, remaining calm in traffic issues, accepting slight delays, staying in your line behind a slower car instead of suddenly changing lanes.

Always drive at a controlled speed so that you can control the car in any sudden situation.

9. Watch out for others:

Most of the time, you drive safely, following all the rules, speed limits, and being vigilant about the surroundings. But someone else is doing the opposite.

So always assume that everyone is an idiot on the road and you have to protect yourself and others.

You always be prepared for the sudden stop, overtakes, and unsignaled turns.

10. Don’t use a mobile phone:

safe driving tips

Nowadays, cell phones are the biggest distraction. Our phones are always in our hands. We never put them aside.

Driving needs your full attention, and if you are busy on your phone, you definitely lose your focus and attention from driving, which can put your life at risk.

11. Don’t drive drunk:

safe driving tips

Mostly, severe accidents happen when a driver is drunk. Death cases also occur if a person is behind the wheel while drunk.

Because alcohol decreases reaction time and coordination, and drivers make stupid decisions. Alcohol also causes blurred vision, double vision, and loss of consciousness.

Drunk driving is not only dreadful but also a crime.

So if you are a drunk, then ask a sober friend to give you a ride.

12. Don’t follow at close range:

Another safe driving tip is always to maintain a safe distance between yourself and a car ahead. So you can have enough time to react if someone makes a sudden stop or turn.

Experts advised that a 3-4 seconds gap at night and bad weather make it double like 7 to 8 seconds.

With the practice and driving experience, you can maintain that distance and avoid a mishap.

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13. Get control of steering:

safe driving tips

Many people don’t pay expert attention to the steering wheel. The steering wheel is the best tool to respond through first if you are losing control of the situation. So Always have enough grip on it.

14. Follow traffic signals:

safe driving tips

Always follow traffic signals and road signs because they are made for your safety.

If you obey them, you can save yourself but also others. If no traffic police are standing there, you should still follow the rules. Not only for your safety but now cameras are also installed everywhere, so if you disobey you can get a challan later.

15. Don’t over speed:

safe driving tips

It’s always said that “it is better to be late than never.”

Over speed is one of the major causes of accidents. Always stick to the speed limit posted there when you are on the road. 

It is better to leave early than over-speeding. In case you are getting late, you should still follow the speed limits for the safety of yourself and others.

16. Don’t drive tired:

safe driving tips

Never drive when you are tired because sleepy and fatigued drivers are as dangerous as drunk drivers.

You can take some coffee to alert yourself; you can play music, start singing loudly and roll down your windows for fresh air. It can help you be awake.

If you are still feeling tired and sleepy, then pull your car to a safer place for a nap.

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17. Always give signals:

When driving on the road, it is essential to give signals because no one can read others’ intentions, so you need to adopt a realistic approach by indicating your next move.

Remember to use signals before 4-8 seconds whenever you need to make a turn or lane change. So no one would crash into you. 

18. Avoid distractions:

safe driving tips

We all get distracted easily in any situation. While driving, getting distracted can be dreadful.

Cell phones cause not the only distraction. Applying makeup, playing with electronic devices, talking to passengers, eating, changing CDs, and many more are the causes of distraction.

So avoid them to save yourself from a major incident.  

19. Expect the unexpected:

When you are on the road always ready for unexpected things, you should have reasonable control of the car. Just don’t listen to the radio and look after the speed cameras. Also, keep an eye on your surroundings and be ready for any potential risk so it won’t starlet you.

20. Control the fear:

Whenever we meet the challenge on the road, fear takes over us, and we become unable to handle the situation, so try to practice your driving skills, so confidence can help you face dire circumstances.   

21. Share the road:

safe driving tips

Whenever you are driving on the road, never think you are the only driver or the road is only for yours, and you can drive whatever way you want.

Always remember that everyone has the same right to use the road. So shared the road with them and gave them the respect they deserve.

22. Patience:

Most of the time, impatient drivers cause accidents because they are in a rush to reach their destination, which not only causes problems for them and also for others.

Always keep in mind that safety is more important than anything else. So involving yourself in an accident, it is better to show patience on the road. 

23. Show respect to stop vehicles:

Whenever you pass through a stopped vehicle on a congested road or street, lower your speed while passing it so you can’t hit it.

24. Avoid bright headlights:

safe driving tips

When you drive at night, your eyes are used to the dim light of the dashboard, and when there is a bright headlight comes. It immediately affects your visibility, and you couldn’t be able to see anything, so try to avoid it, and if it is coming from the mirror, you can adjust the mirror.

25. Plan ahead:

Always make a plan for your journey before starting it. Take time to gather information about the route and plan it accordingly. You also check the alternative way plus where you can stop to eat, fill the fuel tank, and where to take rest if required.

You can be mentally prepared for your journey and enjoy it by doing this.

26. Avoid guessing:

Never assume what the other drivers are going to do or should they do. Because your guessing can be wrong and cause trouble, always focus on your driving and follow the safe driving tips.

27. Don’t wear the wrong glasses:

You can wear trendy glasses but while driving, avoid them, especially at night. Try to wear glasses that can’t affect your visibility and make sure it has an anti-reflective coating so that they can reduce reflection and you can comfortably drive your car.

28. Watch out for the surroundings:

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While driving, it is important to look ahead and keep an eye on your surroundings to handle any sudden situation.

29. Stay in the right lane:

It is very important to stay in the right lane, and whenever you need to change it, first give the indicator and then watch carefully in the mirrors if any car is coming and then change the lane.

30. Use lane changes indicator:

Always maintain a safe distance from the other car and always use a turning signal whenever you want to change the lane, and while changing lane, check from the mirrors, at sides, and behind if someone is coming.

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31. Be alert in bad weather:

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Driving in bad weather needs extra caution. If you are traveling in fog, snow, or heavy rain. You slow down your speed than the speed limit and increase the distance from a car ahead. Because bad weather affects visibility, be attentive to the curves.

If this situation is new for you, then delegate the driving seat to another available person, if possible. If the condition worsens, park the car in a safe place and wait to pass the bad weather.

safe driving tips

32. Use fog lights when needed:

Always turn on fog lights when you travel in a fog because it will enhance the visibility on-road and turn on the indicators so the driver behind can see your car.

33. Turn on defroster:

When fog build-up on the windshield. It affects visibility severely. In this situation, turn on your defroster and AC to make the windscreen clear.

34. A slowdown in the rain:

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When there is a forecast of rain, leave 30min early so that you wouldn’t get yourself into a rush in the rain. Which can cause an accident because driving at speed on wet roads can be slippery.

Drive at a slow speed and keep a reasonable distance from the other car so that you can avoid trouble.

35. Turn on headlights in the rain:

During rain, visibility becomes less, so turn on the headlights to see ahead. Never use a high beam in this situation. 

36. Use a high beam when needed:

A high beam can be helpful when you are in open areas, and you want to see far on the road. But dim the light when you reach near the other car.

High beam lights come with adaptive technology that dims in another vehicle’s presence in the latest cars.

37. Turn on wipers in the rain:

safe driving tips

While raining, turn on your wiper to clear the rain from the windshield. So your wipers need to be in good condition. Otherwise, they won’t remove the rain and also make scratches on the windshield.

Also, keep your distance from the big vehicles so they won’t splash water on your car, including your windshield.

38. Study the road ahead:

Be alert and keep a close eye ahead because there can be cyclists, pedestrians, and passing animals. Because in bad weather or at night, they can be challenging to spot.

39. Avoid big puddles:

safe driving tips

Always avoid big puddles because you can’t know how deep they are. So take a different route or if there is space, drive around them.

40. Drive through the flood:

When there is a flood on the road, a suggestion is to take another route because driving through water can put you in trouble.

If water rises close to the bottom of your doors and passes through, it can cause electric damage, costing you a heavy bill. Water also gets into the engine, which can be tremendous damage.

41. Know your limits:

Every person has their driving limits, which you need to check. Most people can drive a car for 12-14 hours, and a few are getting tired within a 4-6 hour drive. You can increase your limit by practicing driving more and more. 

42. Pullover when things turn bad:

If you notice that things on the road are getting out of control, turning bad like in a heavy fog, a storm, and snow falling. When visibility becomes zero, you can stop the car in a safe place and wait to pass the situation.

43. Emergency kit:

safe driving tips

An emergency kit kept in your car. So you can use it in case of emergency. Also, keep a flashlight, jumper cable, mobile charging cable, and extra water.

44. Update your driving skills:

Always work to improve your driving skills and make yourself updated about safe driving tips, traffic rules, and road signs. So you can save yourself and others on the road.

45. Maintenance of a car:

safe driving tips

Regular maintenance of your car increases its life and saves you on the road from big trouble.

If your brakes are getting softer when you push the brake paddle or feel the vibration. These need to be checked. It could be a problem with the hydraulic system, or the brake will be worn out.

Another major problem can be improper air pressure in the tires. Uneven tire pressure can lead to significant trouble, like blowing out of a tire. You should have a gauge to measure the air pressure so that you can solve it timely if you find any problem. 

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Final words:

With the help of these simple, safe driving tips, you can save yourself and others from a major mishap.

Focusing on being a responsible driver can reduce the risk of accidents. If people are showing concerns about your driving, put efforts to make it better, or you need to stop driving and use bus service, van service, or you can hire a driver, or you can avail other options of local transportation.


Q1. What are the dos and don’ts for road safety?

Don’t put yourself into road wrath as this will make the situation worse, like turning into an accident and, sometimes, loss of life.

Always keep a safe distance so one can always stop in time in case of emergency.

Q2. What is the safest lane for driving?

As per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) law, the left lane is the safest lane with few accidents.

Q3. Is it safe to rest when driving?

Driving when you are tired can be dangerous. Because when you are tired and sleepy, drivers have a slower response to anything and can easily fall asleep behind the wheel. 

So it is better to rest before driving, or stop somewhere and take a rest and then resume the driving.

Q4. Which are the critical characteristic of a safe driver?

  • Skilled
  • Knowledge
  • Self-discipline
  • Patience
  • Alertness
  • Mechanical skills
  • Responsible
  • Enough practice


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